BSN Micro/i Madani Scheme

BSN Micro/i Madani Scheme

Supporting Your Business Continuity

Financial Assistance


Financing/loan up to RM50,000

Profit/interest rate at 4% p.a. (flat rate)

14 working days after receiving complete documents

What’s included?

Loan Purpose

Working Capital, Capital Expenditure and Renovation

Loan Amount

- Minimum: RM5,000

- Maximum: RM50,000

Loan Tenure

1 to 5 years and 3 months moratorium for Micro/i Madani Perintis Scheme

Just 3 steps to get started!


Visit BSN website

Head to BSN website to check on product details.


Supporting documents

Check and prepare the required supporting documents.


Submit application

Submit the application to the BSN Micro Financing Centre/BSN State Main Branches or complete the application online. BSN will contact the customer within 6 working days after receiving complete documents to provide an update on the status of the application.

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BSN Micro/i Madani Scheme

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Financial Solutions

BSN Micro/i Madani - Micro financing/loan facility for micro entrepreneurs