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5 Tips to Create Consistent Content for Your Business

Tips & Tricks

20 Jan 2023 • 3 min read

When the idea bank runs dry, find better footing by following these valuable pointers. 


Most customer journeys do not start with making a purchase. Consumers begin by gathering details on a product or service to learn about its general problems or obstacles. In addition to looking for reliable and accurate information provided by brands, people are simply searching for content to consume. 


It is no wonder that content marketing is vital to the growth of a business. Foregoing content marketing would lead to losing out on at least 30% higher growth rate and an average of 7% customer retention rate.


There is no denying that there are risks involved when investing time and effort into content marketing. A lot is at stake if your content is inconsistent as it may compromise your brand’s reputation, user loyalty and even trust in your brand. 


Getting the consistency right will reap big rewards but failure to do so may harm your brand. Check out these useful tips for consistent content creation! 


5 Tips to Create Consistent Content for Your Business


1. Set content goals  


There is no point in going through the pains of crafting content and painstakingly scheduling calendars when there are no goals to achieve. Direction is more important than speed. Many brands understand the importance of consistent and quality content but do not take the effort to understand how it could work for them. 


Content goals are ideally based on marketing goals which are also derived from company goals. One method to model after is the SMART objective which provides structure and tangible evaluation metrics for you or your team to focus your efforts and achieve success. Setting goals to ensure that the team moves in the same direction will ensure that content remains consistent throughout all seasons.  


5 Tips to Create Consistent Content for Your Business


2. Document your strategy  


Brand success depends heavily on having a documented strategy. Unbelievably, although most B2C and B2B brands claim to have a marketing process in place, most do not go as far as to document them. They simply rely on picking up current trends and crafting content based on personal preferences. 


According to State of Content Marketing 2022 Global Report, documenting content strategy was a key tactic for 78% of businesses in ensuring successful content marketing. Through the recording of formal processes, there exists greater clarity and transparency to the strengths and weaknesses of the current plan. 


Whether it is allocation of budget or identifying a tactic that works, breaking your goals into actionable steps all while recording them formally could not only improve the quality of the content but also ensure its consistency. 


5 Tips to Create Consistent Content for Your Business


3. Deep dive into a series 


Although it is good to cover trends and multiple topics, content creators may be overwhelmed by the constant stream of varied content they would have to produce to retain interest. A strategic move is to utilise a series or miniseries format. 


Rather than scraping the surface and risk over-generalising, which leads to compromising on quality, it is better to develop user interest as it provides them with consistent expectations. Not only is a series highly digestible due to its being bite-sized content fed in intervals, but it also allows for better search engine optimisation (SEO) which helps your content appear on more searches. Satiate viewer curiosity and build on existing interests to have better results in customer retention and develop audience loyalty.  


5 Tips to Create Consistent Content for Your Business


4. Repurpose content 


There are diverse ways to repurpose content. Whether it is to leverage existing information that has piqued much interest or transforming one post into content across platforms, repurposing content provides more mileage for your content, increasing its longevity and giving you information on what content works best with your users. 


For example, this article can be repurposed into a more visual-heavy social media post on Instagram and even be repurposed as a Twitter thread that provides one point per tweet. The engagement rates can then be tracked across platforms. 


Rather than alienating part of your audience by sticking to a specific format, reach a greater audience while providing the same quality throughout by repackaging your content according to the users’ content demand in each platform.  


5 Tips to Create Consistent Content for Your Business


5. Develop guidelines  


There is little to no value if your content is creative but your language is weak or wrong altogether. Moreover, having great copy but messy design might have your users second-guessing their trust in you.  


Whatever it is, there needs to be a reference point for the content team and even for contributing stakeholders outside of the content team such as senior management and guest contributors. Having protocol serves as a checklist and benchmark that will produce content that expresses your brand identity in such a way that avoids causing confusion to loyal users.  


Moving forward, ‘consistency’ is a watchword for brands and businesses alike. Although consistency takes on different forms and manners, the voice and tone of your content or messaging will be what sets you apart from competitors, contributing to the building and maintaining of your business personality and presence.  


Stand out from the rest when you join Unifi Business Club (UBC)! Be a trendsetter and establish your footing when you tap into our exclusive resources and solutions that will boost your productivity and growth. 

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Learn More and Earn More: How Online Learning Helps Your Business and You

Digital Solutions

12 Jan 2023 • 2 min read

Now that we’re moving past the pandemic slowdown, things seem to be jumping back into hyperdrive. Online business is no exception. That’s why you need the right tools and mindset, and with online learning you and your employees will get just that and stay primed for success. 


The paradigm shift of physical to online during the pandemic has shown that there’s only one thing that stays the same: change. In keeping up with the times, businesses have had to adapt by these rules as well, making changes to the way they run and how they serve their customers. As a business owner, you might find yourself in the same situation and thinking to yourself: “How do I keep up?”. 


Well, first things first: if that’s on your mind, then great! That means you’re ready to seek out new opportunities to address the business landscape now and strive to improve. And to reach that goal, there’s no better way than to upskill! 


Elevate your skill and capabilities 


To ‘upskill’ means to take your capabilities to the next level, expanding on what you know so you can optimise what you do. While technology can cover a lot of what businesses do daily, you still need the talent and know-how in leveraging the benefits and optimising the solutions you require. 


It’s a good thing that there are plenty of options to upskill, with many platforms offering online courses. This means you can save time in your day to take on knowledge without having to travel physically to a training centre. 


These courses cover a range of topics like how to use digital marketing tools, how to conduct data analysis, how to protect your assets against cyberthreats, and more. The best part? Some of these learning platforms even offer starter courses for free with a sign-up, so all that’s needed is your registration and a bit of your time. 


Pro tip: Check out AirAsia Academy for over 150 hours of educational content and 100+ expert-curated courses. 


Learn More and Earn More: How Online Learning Helps Your Business and You


Think like an expert when you get expert insight 


There’s plenty of ways to learn, but one of the best is to get it straight from the experts. Navigating the day-to-day can be challenging when you’re starting up, and it’s easy to feel defeated when you face a roadblock. 


However, if you get the perspective of experts, you’d know that the adversity is part of your progress to better circumstances. 


Not only will expert insight give you a new perspective in facing your business challenges, it also trains your critical thinking. What can you afford to lose out on now, and recoup later? What part of your business should you prioritise first? 


These considerations would be clearer with the guidance of a seasoned eye, which comes available through courses that put you under the wings of professionals with knowledge to impart. 


Defining your own path into online business can be tricky. Programmes and solutions from uBC are tailored to expand your entrepreneurial abilities and elevate your earning power. Claim the exclusive member deals now!  


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How to Digitalise Your Business Like a Pro

Digital Solutions

11 Jan 2023 • 3 min read

Just like anything else, digitalising your business has its pros and cons. Even so, if you know how to manage the challenges that come with digitalisation, you stand to reap the benefits of doing business online. 


Digitalisation is the next frontier for all, be it businesses or customers. The acceleration of digital transformation was especially evident during the height of the pandemic. In such a paradigm-shifting time, the option to connect beyond face-to-face interactions helped to empower us in overcoming limitations with comfort and convenience.  


In the context of business, even though brick-and-mortar retail remains a staple of the consumer experience, no one can doubt that online shopping has its own set of advantages. For enterprising individuals such as yourself who are running your own business, going online is the perfect way to maximise your resources at hand! 


Of course, there will be challenges to face so keep this guidance in mind. You’ll be better prepared to overcome obstacles and get on the right track for business growth! 


Planning your start-up costs 


Perhaps the biggest challenge in initiating your business online would be the start-up costs. Though some initial platforms are free to use — Instagram, for example — there may be other expenses to consider. 


These could include costs for website hosting and search engine optimisation (if you’re setting up your own page), copywriting and design (if you’re looking to outsource the talent), and page maintenance among others. 


Of course, the costs all vary depending on how much you’re willing to take on and do yourself, and what else you’d like to invest in the long run. Determining this starting amount properly would ultimately help you navigate the realm of online business with a strong digital presence. 


You can always work around the issue of budgeting by learning more about financial tools and marketing know-how. By doing this, you can spend less on outsourcing and have more of a say on how you want to put your best foot forward. 


Pro tip: Explore financial assistance specially designed for unifi Business Club (uBC) members. 



How to Digitalise Your Business Like a Pro



Ensuring security for buyer and seller alike 


When it comes to security, both customers and businesses can be at risk of being tricked. The threat doesn’t just apply to small businesses; more established companies too have found fraud to be a rampant issue. 


In August 2022, a survey by software company Stripe found that up to 64% of businesses faced difficulty in countering an increase in fraudulent activity. They struggle not only due to the increasing frequency of fraud, but also because of the growing complexity involved in these fraudulent schemes. The danger is becoming harder to detect or deflect, especially without knowing what to look out for.    


That’s why when it comes to handling transactions online, it’s always best to keep it simple and transparent. The only information you share across should be limited to just the appropriate account numbers, pricing and confirmation of purchase. 


Pro tip: Kaspersky Small Office Security provides worry-free protection for your entire business.


Furthermore, it helps if there’s a way for customers to contact you directly to inquire and double check. This can be useful to counter instances of fake accounts or identity theft, and in turn help boost your credibility and readiness to serve.  


Beyond the challenges of cost and security, it is also a matter of how you go about building familiarity between your customers and your brand, leading to loyal buyers. With these points to consider, you’ll be primed to take on the world of online business and set the course for your next achievement! 



As you take your business online, finding the right solutions to ease your day-to-day processes can be a challenge. Know that you’re not alone! Solutions from uBC are tailored to support your business digitalisation. Claim the exclusive member deals now!  

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EasyStore: How to Get Started on Hassle-Free Online Selling 

Marketing & Branding

10 Jan 2023 • 2 min read

EasyStore is a comprehensive online solution that helps business owners start selling online. If you’re venturing into online transactions and building your digital presence, then this solution has got your back. What’s more, exclusive privileges await unifi Business Club (uBC) members! Read on to discover the details. 



For business owners, gone are the days of finding the right location for their store. With online selling, the matter of real estate is not confined to physical spaces — it’s unlimited, as every go-getter can now choose whether to go on social media, make their proprietary website, or opt for e-commerce platforms. 


Regardless of your avenue, EasyStore is a handy solution to facilitate the selling process. Here are some of the perks it offers: 


Set up and launch your online store quickly, with a guide to follow   


EasyStore gets its name from just that — making it easy for you to set up your store. For members who choose its services, you can set up and launch your store with a useful guide that will get you selling in no time. 


The solution even offers additional services to help you design and set it up, and you can just sit back and wait for the launch. 



How to Get Started on Hassle Free Online Selling



Link various payment gateway providers (and platforms) in one place 


The solutions at hand are primed for your multi-channel convenience, meaning any platform you choose to sell on can be linked to EasyStore. 


For sites like Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, Telegram, WhatsApp, and even TikTok, the platform lets you link your product catalogue to your account and enables customers to interact between the two. 


Purchases can then be made from these platforms, or on your EasyStore site. EasyStore also puts all your transaction info in one place, forming a unified point of sales inventory where you can keep tabs on all the sales made across all your linked platforms.   


Unified management of orders 


Not only does the platform let you cross over into multiple sites, it also keeps track of your orders on a single page. Here, you can track your performance seamlessly without having to switch pages or screens, while also letting you generate a report for all the sales you have made from your connected platforms. 


As a uBC member, you have access to special benefits from EasyStore to elevate your marketing excellence! Be sure to claim the exclusive offers here


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[INFOGRAPHIC] How to Set Your Business Goals for 2023

Tips & Tricks

01 Jan 2023 • 2 min read

Get ready for a brand new year with this checklist. It’ll aid you in charting the next milestones and direction for your business.


It’s time to look at the new targets your business can reach for 2023! Here are some tips on establishing your annual objectives and how to meet them. 


With your goals and expectations set across the board, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your company goals! Here’s to a bustling, prosperous 2023! 


Set Your Business Goals for the Year Ahead


Visit our Solutions page for exclusive offerings that can help you make 2023 a great year for your business. Happy New Year! 

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