
Future-Proofing Hospitality with Next-Generation Solutions


18 Jul 2024 • 2 min read

The Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur buzzed with energy as it hosted a small yet impactful seminar organised by Unifi Business. Designed specifically for medium-sized businesses in the hospitality sector, the event brought together industry experts and professionals to discuss the industry's evolving landscape following the COVID-19 pandemic.


As customer behaviours and the talent pool shifted post-pandemic, businesses in the hospitality industry faced new challenges, including workforce shortages and heightened digital demands. Panellists of the forum, which was the highlight of the event, shared valuable insights on these topics, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and resilience.


Another key focus of the event was how Unifi Business’s offerings can help hospitality businesses thrive amidst these challenges. Attendees learned about the suite of next-generation solutions available, including hospitality TV entertainment, cloud storage, cybersecurity, and high-speed internet connectivity. These resources are designed to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experience, and ultimately drive revenue growth.


The featured panellists include Malaysia Travel Agency Association (MATA) President Dato Dr. Mohd Khalid Harun, Unifi Business Vice President Mohamad Yusman Ammeran, Koperasi Kakitangan PETRONAS Berhad (KOPETRO) Chief Executive Officer Ahmad Shakir Ahmad Ubaidah, Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur General Manager Kirinjit Singh A/L Gurdial Singh, and Tuah D’Manggis Janda Baik owner Dato A. Aida @ Zaidah Awang.


Unifi Business Vice President Mohamed Yusman Ammeran shared his views on the future of technology in hospitality


The half-day seminar was a resounding success, equipping medium-sized hospitality businesses with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the current landscape. By highlighting the challenges, showcasing innovative solutions, and exploring the future of technology, Unifi Business is not only empowering businesses to thrive but also reinforcing its commitment to supporting the hospitality sector’s recovery and growth. As the industry continues to evolve, events like this play a crucial role in driving awareness and fostering collaboration.


Unifi Business collaborates with various organisations and government agencies to equip businesses in the micro, small, and medium segments with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive. Visit the Unifi Business portal to explore our range of digital solutions.

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  • Access to consumer analytics that span across 10 verticals
  • Social media audience connects across TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram
  • Track conversion performance against industry benchmarks
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  • Smart Narrative function which guides the user throughout the platform
  • Multi-dimensional data workspace​

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BSN Micro/i Madani Scheme

Supporting Your Business Continuity

  • Financing/loan up to RM50,000
  • Profit/interest rate at 4% p.a. (flat rate)
  • 14 working days after receiving complete documents

Enabling small-scale entrepreneurs to…




Business Financing Application Portal…

  • Matches your business capabilities with any financing agency/institution
  • Approval process of up to 3 working days, depending on the completion of documents
  • Powered by CEDAR
  • Simple onboarding

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Pengusaha Bengkel Kereta Tarik Pelanggan Dengan Media Sosial

Pemasaran & Penjenamaan

02 Sep 2024 • 3 min read

Usahawan muda, Dinie Hazwan Ahmad Tajol Aros, berjaya meningkatkan pendapatan perniagaan kecilnya sebanyak 60% setahun, dengan jumlah pendapatan tahunan mencecah RM480,000 melalui penggunaan Penyelesaian Pemasaran Digital Unifi Business. Dinie, yang mengusahakan bengkel kereta di Seremban, Negeri Sembilan sejak Mac 2020, mengakui kehadiran digital yang kukuh dan pemasaran digital yang berkesan memainkan peranan penting bagi kelangsungan perniagaannya.


Menurut Dinie, usahawan perlu mengambil kesempatan dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini dan media sosial bagi membina reputasi syarikat dan memenangi hati pelanggan: “Bengkel saya terletak di kawasan perindustrian di mana terdapat 40 bengkel lain yang menawarkan perkhidmatan yang sama. Kalau bukan melalui media sosial seperti Facebook dan Instagram, bagaimana saya dapat menarik pelanggan dan bersaing dengan peniaga lain? Pengiklanan dan kehadiran digital memang sangat penting. Saya tak boleh hanya mengharapkan bantuan daripada rakan-rakan untuk mempromosikan bengkel saya dari mulut ke mulut. Saya pun tak ramai kenalan,” katanya.


Dinie, yang memiliki Sijil Teknologi Automotif, dibantu oleh beberapa orang pekerja di bengkelnya yang terletak di Seremban, Negeri Sembilan


Tambah Dinie, beliau sebelum ini menguruskan sendiri pemasaran bengkelnya, termasuk penciptaan kandungan bagi media sosial, namun menghadapi kesukaran kerana kos pengiklanan yang tinggi dan pengetahuan yang terhad: “Bagi tiga tahun pertama, saya telah membelanjakan dalam RM14,000 setahun untuk kos pengiklanan di beberapa platform media sosial. Walaupun saya telah mengikuti kursus pemasaran digital, masih banyak yang tidak saya fahami, terutamanya mengenai pengurusan bajet. Pengetahuan dari segi reka bentuk grafik dan penulisan iklan saya juga amat terhad.


“Pakej pemasaran digital yang ditawarkan Unifi Business sangat membantu bukan saja kerana jumlah kos pengiklanan yang jauh lebih rendah (RM2,400 setahun), tetapi mereka juga menawarkan perkhidmatan reka bentuk grafik, penulisan iklan dan pengurusan kempen, semuanya di dalam satu pakej. Sekarang saya boleh memberi fokus kepada kerja-kerja di bengkel,” jelas Dinie yang juga aktif memuat naik kandungan berkaitan tip penjagaan kereta dan aktiviti di bengkel beliau di media sosial.


Dinie yang baru berusia 27 tahun, merancang untuk membuka sebuah cawangan di Shah Alam, Selangor pada akhir tahun ini. Beliau juga sedang dalam perbincangan untuk bekerjasama dengan syarikat insurans untuk disenaraikan sebagai salah sebuah bengkel panel yang diberi kuasa bermula pada 2025.


Selain daripada penyelesaian pemasaran digital, Unifi Business juga menawarkan pelbagai penyelesaian digital lain bagi membantu perusahaan micro, kecil dan sederhana (PMKS) meningkatkan daya saing mereka dan menjadi lebih berjaya. Ini termasuk penstoran awan dan keselamatan siber. Lawati portal Unifi Business untuk maklumat lanjut.

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Iklankan bisnes anda di platform percuma




Sasaran Pelanggan Pelbagai Media

  • Akses kepada analitik pengguna merentasi 10 pemasaran menegak
  • Pengguna media sosial yang saling berhubung menerusi TikTok, Facebook & Instagram
  • Menjejak prestasi ‘conversion’ berbanding penanda aras industri
  • REV ads manager
  • Fungsi ‘Smart Narrative’ yang memandu pengguna di platform
  • Data ruang kerja yang berbilang dimensi

Tingkatkan pertumbuhan perniagaan anda



Skim Pembiayaan BSN Micro/i Madani

Menyokong Kesinambungan Perniagaan Anda

  • Pembiayaan/pinjaman sehingga RM50,000
  • Kadar keuntungan/faedah 4% setahun (kadar tetap)
  • 14 hari bekerja selepas dokumen lengkap diterima

Mendayakan perusahaan skala kecil untuk…




Portal Permohonan Pembiayaan Bisnes…

  • Padanan kemampuan bisnes anda dengan mana-mana agensi/institusi kewangan
  • Proses kelulusan sehingga 3 hari bekerja bergantung kepada dokumen lengkap
  • Dikuasakan oleh CEDAR
  • 'Onboarding' ringkas

Community Discussion



Learn More and Earn More: How Online Learning Helps Your Business and You


12 Jan 2023 • 2 min read

Now that we’re moving past the pandemic slowdown, things seem to be jumping back into hyperdrive. Online business is no exception. That’s why you need the right tools and mindset, and with online learning you and your employees will get just that and stay primed for success. 


The paradigm shift of physical to online during the pandemic has shown that there’s only one thing that stays the same: change. In keeping up with the times, businesses have had to adapt by these rules as well, making changes to the way they run and how they serve their customers. As a business owner, you might find yourself in the same situation and thinking to yourself: “How do I keep up?”. 


Well, first things first: if that’s on your mind, then great! That means you’re ready to seek out new opportunities to address the business landscape now and strive to improve. And to reach that goal, there’s no better way than to upskill! 


Elevate your skill and capabilities 


To ‘upskill’ means to take your capabilities to the next level, expanding on what you know so you can optimise what you do. While technology can cover a lot of what businesses do daily, you still need the talent and know-how in leveraging the benefits and optimising the solutions you require. 


It’s a good thing that there are plenty of options to upskill, with many platforms offering online courses. This means you can save time in your day to take on knowledge without having to travel physically to a training centre. 


These courses cover a range of topics like how to use digital marketing tools, how to conduct data analysis, how to protect your assets against cyberthreats, and more. The best part? Some of these learning platforms even offer starter courses for free with a sign-up, so all that’s needed is your registration and a bit of your time. 


Pro tip: Check out AirAsia Academy for over 150 hours of educational content and 100+ expert-curated courses. 


Learn More and Earn More: How Online Learning Helps Your Business and You


Think like an expert when you get expert insight 


There’s plenty of ways to learn, but one of the best is to get it straight from the experts. Navigating the day-to-day can be challenging when you’re starting up, and it’s easy to feel defeated when you face a roadblock. 


However, if you get the perspective of experts, you’d know that the adversity is part of your progress to better circumstances. 


Not only will expert insight give you a new perspective in facing your business challenges, it also trains your critical thinking. What can you afford to lose out on now, and recoup later? What part of your business should you prioritise first? 


These considerations would be clearer with the guidance of a seasoned eye, which comes available through courses that put you under the wings of professionals with knowledge to impart. 


Defining your own path into online business can be tricky. Programmes and solutions from uBC are tailored to expand your entrepreneurial abilities and elevate your earning power. Claim the exclusive member deals now!  


Community Discussion



How to Digitalise Your Business Like a Pro


11 Jan 2023 • 3 min read

Just like anything else, digitalising your business has its pros and cons. Even so, if you know how to manage the challenges that come with digitalisation, you stand to reap the benefits of doing business online. 


Digitalisation is the next frontier for all, be it businesses or customers. The acceleration of digital transformation was especially evident during the height of the pandemic. In such a paradigm-shifting time, the option to connect beyond face-to-face interactions helped to empower us in overcoming limitations with comfort and convenience.  


In the context of business, even though brick-and-mortar retail remains a staple of the consumer experience, no one can doubt that online shopping has its own set of advantages. For enterprising individuals such as yourself who are running your own business, going online is the perfect way to maximise your resources at hand! 


Of course, there will be challenges to face so keep this guidance in mind. You’ll be better prepared to overcome obstacles and get on the right track for business growth! 


Planning your start-up costs 


Perhaps the biggest challenge in initiating your business online would be the start-up costs. Though some initial platforms are free to use — Instagram, for example — there may be other expenses to consider. 


These could include costs for website hosting and search engine optimisation (if you’re setting up your own page), copywriting and design (if you’re looking to outsource the talent), and page maintenance among others. 


Of course, the costs all vary depending on how much you’re willing to take on and do yourself, and what else you’d like to invest in the long run. Determining this starting amount properly would ultimately help you navigate the realm of online business with a strong digital presence. 


You can always work around the issue of budgeting by learning more about financial tools and marketing know-how. By doing this, you can spend less on outsourcing and have more of a say on how you want to put your best foot forward. 


Pro tip: Explore financial assistance specially designed for unifi Business Club (uBC) members. 



How to Digitalise Your Business Like a Pro



Ensuring security for buyer and seller alike 


When it comes to security, both customers and businesses can be at risk of being tricked. The threat doesn’t just apply to small businesses; more established companies too have found fraud to be a rampant issue. 


In August 2022, a survey by software company Stripe found that up to 64% of businesses faced difficulty in countering an increase in fraudulent activity. They struggle not only due to the increasing frequency of fraud, but also because of the growing complexity involved in these fraudulent schemes. The danger is becoming harder to detect or deflect, especially without knowing what to look out for.    


That’s why when it comes to handling transactions online, it’s always best to keep it simple and transparent. The only information you share across should be limited to just the appropriate account numbers, pricing and confirmation of purchase. 


Pro tip: Kaspersky Small Office Security provides worry-free protection for your entire business.


Furthermore, it helps if there’s a way for customers to contact you directly to inquire and double check. This can be useful to counter instances of fake accounts or identity theft, and in turn help boost your credibility and readiness to serve.  


Beyond the challenges of cost and security, it is also a matter of how you go about building familiarity between your customers and your brand, leading to loyal buyers. With these points to consider, you’ll be primed to take on the world of online business and set the course for your next achievement! 



As you take your business online, finding the right solutions to ease your day-to-day processes can be a challenge. Know that you’re not alone! Solutions from uBC are tailored to support your business digitalisation. Claim the exclusive member deals now!  

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Festive Sales: How to Encourage the Buying Power of Your Customers

Thank goodness for online platforms and e-commerce! These digital services give you the freedom as a business owner in running your business. In that same vein, how about paying it forward for your customers? Give them more freedom in how they spend and interact with your enterprise with a few simple ways.


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