
How Can SMEs Start to Build Sustainable Development?

Tips & Tricks

02 Aug 2022 • Bacaan 2 minit

You are an SME owner. You already work longer hours than the average person, trying to stay on top of everything that an SME owner needs to manage. You are chasing up client invoices, making sure your suppliers are getting paid, seeking new customers and ensuring the service you are providing your current clients is at the incredibly high standard you have set for your business. Sustainability is the last thing on your mind.

This is typical for SME owners and nothing of which to be ashamed as it is the reality. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to completely give up on a sustainability strategy.

SMEs have just as much responsibility to the economic, social, and natural environments as large corporates. While it can be intimidating for SMEs to embark on the sustainability journey, with the right support, it can be a seamless transition.

The following basic steps can act as a guide to SMEs who are looking to achieve sustainability in their business:


1. Speak to your staff

Find out if your staff are interested in working with you throughout this transition to sustainability. What are their priorities? What do they believe you could improve within the business? Your staff knows your business very well. Don’t discount their opinion.

2. Speak to your consumers

Customers and clients are increasingly interested in buying sustainable products. Some of your long-term customers and clients may have some feedback about your transition. It is important to get their opinion, not only so you can understand what your consumers want, but your long-term patrons will feel like they are actively involved in the process.

3. Speak to your suppliers

Chances are that some of your suppliers are also interested in the process to transition to becoming a sustainable business. By expressing your interest, your suppliers might take that step; it also may open a dialogue for you to share ideas between you and your supplier, giving you more assistance during the transition.

4. Define sustainability

After these conversations, it is important to define what sustainability means to your business. Remember: sustainability needs to be considered on an economic, social, and environmental level.

5. Start with your staff

Ensuring your staff feels that the workplace provides fair and equal opportunities to all and is safe for all employees is a great way to start your commitment to sustainability. Social sustainability is an important aspect of your commitment and can be first addressed from within.

6. Look into your supply chain

An easy way to increase your sustainability rating is to use sustainable products. Set aside 45 minutes to an hour each day to shop around for other suppliers. Remember: sustainable products do not necessarily mean a higher price. Try to find products that will support your new direction but not compromise on price.

7. Analyse your budget

Donating money to projects which work toward sustainability is only viable if your business can afford to do so; there is no point in spending your business into the ground as it defeats the purpose of sustainability. If you can spare some money, be wise with it. If not, have a look at how you might be able to be creative in your commitments. Can you move money out of your marketing budget and into your philanthropy budget by sponsoring a sustainability project and arranging to receive publicity through that? Could you spare a half-day from a portion of your team quarterly for a volunteering activity?

8. Turn to the local community

Donating to overseas charities can pull on the heartstrings of your consumer base, but it can be difficult to track and report. Looking to the local community is the best way to ensure your business is seeing real results from your sustainability commitments. Sponsoring a local event, sporting team or project can be a great way to ensure you are maximising the efforts towards your sustainability commitment. It is also an excellent way to show engagement in the community and potentially see an increase in sales and profits, which, in turn, can drive your sustainability commitment for the following financial year.

There are thousands of ways for a business to become involved in a sustainability strategy; the above eight points are a great starting place.