The Springboard to the Digital World: TM Info-Media
29 Jul 2022 • 2 min read
The digital space can be quite daunting at times, but understanding the appropriate medium is always essential. At TM Info-Media, they help businesses promote their products efficiently. With a stable of digital tools and resources that can kick start businesses' online aspirations, they can also connect with customers and reach out to more potential customers nationwide.
Headed up Sean Koh, a talented leader attuned to the fast ever-changing needs of business, who in the past 10 years has built a strong record of contribution in marketing, advertising, promotion, loyalty, CRM, product, and brand management.
According to Sean, a lot of SME’s out there are online savvy and some are not, they need to know which social media or digital platform is relevant to them, hence it is important to choose the appropriate digital platform that will support your business.
“What your end goal looks like needs to be clear than it will be easier for us to identify the right mix of social media and digital marketing you need. Many people ask us what’s the difference? Fundamentally digital marketing leverages on geotagged search marketing which results in quality leads to you while social media is relevant content to your target market”.
Sean’s advice to SMEs than want to go digital is to give it a shot, “Jangan takut, you have to try and move forward, our team will provide you with a bespoke approach that supports your business need by leveraging on the team's experience, database namely from Yellow Pages and many other resources
TM Info-Media aims to help businesses connect to wider consumers in Malaysia through their digital business directory, Google search engine marketing and optimisation services, website builder called Instaweb, advertising solutions through Facebook, Wi-Fi hotspots nationwide and TM digital screens. All this and much more are available for uBC members at an enticing 20% discount. More details on this exclusive offer can be found at Yellow Pages Marketing Solution
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