
Digital Marketing in the New Norm

Digital Solutions
Sales & Marketing

01 Aug 2022 • 2 min read

Digital Marketing Consultancy (DMC) designs strategic learning programs that specialises in providing professionals advanced career progression towards becoming a certified digital marketing professional. DMC leverages on its digital experts who constantly evaluate the best ways and latest methods to be implemented in digital marketing. DMC will guide you and coach you to master digital marketing in line with your business needs and aspirations.


According to Charles Gregory, Founder of DMC, the importance of digital marketing has become more relevant now more than ever before, however it is important for business owners and companies to take things slow, but it is important to embrace digital marketing and not be afraid of it. 


According to Charles, “The Malaysian government has done quite a lot in the realm of upskilling and reskilling, in addition to the MDEC lead initiatives, PERKESO also hasve a program that provides training to new hires free of charge. Just these two alone are huge opportunities for the Malaysian people”.


“On the DMC front we currently provide about 60 free training videos on our YouTube channel which will cover a number of key digital marketing skills such as Facebook marketing and many other areas relevant to individuals and businesses alike”.  




“In addition, we are providing all uBC members and SMEs alike, a one to one digital gap analysis-, which will provide a detailed analysis on what best digital tools and expertise are required to take the digital leap.”


DMC advises SMEs to leverage on the community element, by adding constant value to one another and at the same time look at ways of building this community into a tribe that brings mutual betterment for the self and nation alike. For more details on uBC exclusive offers head on over to Solution section