Next Generation Point of Sale
02 Aug 2022 • 2 min read
KryptoPOS is poised to support SMEs where it matters most. This is a B2B2B retail data and technology platform that powers up small and medium enterprise (SME) businesses with a powerful cloud Point of Sales (POS) and ordering platform. Their disruptive business model focuses on market acquisition via banks, telcos, and organisations with huge enterprise customer base.
According to Dato’ Arulchelvam Arulampalam, Executive Director of KryptoPOS, “A large number of SMEs have very basic or no digital framework in place. The mindset has always been, that we can introduce technology later or things can be done manually or our business in more physical, we don’t need to interact with our client digitally. All that changed with COVID-19, especially in the likes of retail F&B, digitisation was no longer a luxury it was a basis for your survival.”
KryptoPOS elevates the business of every brick and mortar SME by democratising Big Data Analytics to increase efficiency and optimise sales so that these SMEs may obtain a larger market base and improve efficiency at the same time. This is done on two approaches; the first approach is to make businesses more efficient via the POS system and the customer value management platform. The second approach looks at helping these SMEs to be discovered via the “Zoom In” platform which will connect these SMEs to new customers.
“My advice to SMEs is first and foremost to embrace technology and when looking at digital platform or solutions benchmark against other comparable businesses that have taken on a digital platform and their experience and level of adoption.”
KryptoPOS offers exclusively to uBC members a FREE lifetime POS solution which will result in cost savings for SMEs’ day-to-day operations. In addition, KryptoPOS also offers a total hardware and software solution known as Manager Pro at a 50% discount under the SME Digitisation Grant.
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