#Unibizity Podcast Series 5.0
24 Jan 2025 • Bacaan 3 minit
Are you a seasoned business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur? Discover what it truly takes to run your business in a fast-paced, digital-driven world. Tune in to this unmissable podcast series, brought to you by Unifi Business.
Ready to unlock the business secrets of our local entrepreneurs? Want to find out all the ins and outs of their journey, as well as insightful stories, tips and advice?
Join us at #Unibizity, the podcast that unlocks the secrets to owning a business!
Tap the links below to watch the latest series:
Misi kemanusiaan sudah semestinya melibatkan tekanan daripada aspek fizikal dan mental. Jom dengar kisah Malaysian Red Crescent dan tip serta strategi yang diamalkan untuk menguatkan identiti sebagai penyelamat dalam siri terbaharu #Unibizity Podcast.
Sukan flag football masih baru di Malaysia. Namun, kita boleh lihat sukan ini semakin popular dalam kalangan warganet. Ikuti perkongsian Haziq tentang perkembangan semasa bisnes Third Down dalam episod #Unibizity Podcast kali ini.
Learn how to future-proof your business with fintech power couple Martin Wong and Rianne Chin from TradeVSA System SB. Discover how they innovate and grow their business through digital platforms on Episode 3 of #Unibizity Podcast 5.0.
Unlock the secrets to thriving in the healthcare industry through manufacturing and distribution with Ahmad Fuad and Alex Seow, founders of Aseptik Solusi. In Episode 4 of #Unibizity Podcast 5.0, they share their insights on driving success and strategic growth in the dynamic healthcare sector.
Dua usahawan berlatarbelakangkan bisnes yang berbeza di bawah satu lensa yang sama. Episod ini membawakan kisah perjuangan pemilik Sumatraa Food dan Ceritra Capture untuk menjadi usahawan berjaya. Ketahui strategi dan tip perniagaan yang luar biasa dari segi content, branding, cabaran dan banyak lagi.
View the full episodes from previous series:
Dihoskan oleh Asyraf Khalid, #Unibizity kali ini lebih istimewa! Kami menjemput dua usahawan wanita yang telah berjaya membina empayar bisnes yang disegani iaitu Tya Arifin daripada Mutyara Beauty dan Puteri Zarith daripada Slimming Tea by PZ. Ikuti kisah perjalanan mereka serta strategi dan tip perniagaan.
Di #Unibizity Podcast kali ini, kami membawa dua usahawan fesyen popular iaitu CEO Petit Moi, Ishraq Kamarudin dan pemilik ODDA KL, Nadia Halim serta hos Asyraf Khalid untuk membincangkan topik yang menarik untuk anda belajar menjadi usahawan yang berjaya!
Beralih ke zaman PKP, pelbagai aksi dan idea menarik tercetus dalam minda masyarakat kita. Sama seperti kisah dua orang pilot ini iaitu Hafiz dan Afiq yang mengambil kesempatan untuk melebarkan sayap mereka ke dunia F&B. Jangan lepaskan peluang anda untuk dapatkan pelbagai tip dan strategi perniagaan Grill Haven dari rumah hingga ke kedai dalam podcast #Unibizity yang dihoskan oleh Asyaf Khalid.
Fendy Mojo daripada Hitam Premium berkongsikan cerita tentang hidup sebagai content creator dan tip untuk berjaya sebagai usahawan menggunakan media sosial.
You’re never too young to run a business! The founder of TudungPeople Fazrena Aziz is here to prove it. Discover how Fazrena finds success in her business on Episode 2 of #Unibizity, Hustle Demi Hasil edition.
Many business owners share the same doubts and concerns while determining the best approach to market their goods and services. But fear not! Nigel Sparks, founder of The Cap City is here to offer some wise words.
The FIRST-ever MEB business owner on #Unibizity, Hustle Demi Hasil edition! Discover how Venon Tian, the co-founder of ZUS Coffee started Malaysia’s first tech-driven coffee chain.
Nubhan yang kita nampak berjaya pun pernah rasa kecewa. Tapi tak bermakna dia cepat putus asa! Ikuti perjalanan dan kisah suka duka yang ditempuhi.
Uncover how the boss babes of Cocodry and Dododots build their self-care businesses by sharing quality content with a wider audience.
Meet Hugh Koh, Pestle & Mortar’s fashion extraordinaire! He shares his best tips, insights and advice on how to build a successful streetwear empire.
Let’s hear how Yap Minton, co-founder of Zucca Boutique, has rapidly boost the success of his company with livestreams.
Learn how Jane Chuck and Bryan Low navigate their journey and go from strength to strength to become Malaysia’s top entrepreneurs!
Discover real business secrets, tips and tricks with myBurgerLab co-founder Ren Yi and owner of beauty brand HYGR, Ivor Xian Z.
Pinn Yang from Good Foodie Media, and Caressa, a Unifi Business representative, share their experiences in growing a successful business through creative digital solutions.
Anne Idris daripada My Mum’s Bakery dan Abang Sahar daripada Laziz Patin berkongsi pelbagai rahsia kejayaan perniagaan mereka.
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Explore even more inspiration and insights for your biz on Unifi YouTube.
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